SequenceView - a utility to advance(STL)

In the C++ standard library, a sequence is defined by a start iterator and an end iterator that "points behind the last element". Algorithms terminate when the traversing iterator equals the end iterator. In SequenceView a sequence is instead defined by a "view" that contains a start iterator and an end predicate. Such an end predicate is a weaker and consequently more general end condition than comparing two iterators.


A minimal view has three member functions:

class MyMinimalView
  // ...

  iterator current();
  void increment();
  bool done() const;
The current() member function returns the current position of the view. The increment() function is analogous to an iterator's operator++(), and done() tells whether the end of the sequence has been reached. With this view we could implement a for_each() algorithm as:
template<class View, class Function>
for_each(View view,
         Function f)
  while (!view.done())

  return f;
The done() function is the main difference from how the STL represents sequences. There are very few restrictions on how done() must be implemented. We could for example make it return true only if *current() is greater than some value. Alternatively, we could make it return true only current() equals another iterator. In that case it would be equivalent to the two-iterator sequence representation. Here's what it might look like:
class TwoIteratorView
  // ...
  TwoIteratorView(iterator in_first,
                  iterator in_last)

  done() const
    return current() == m_last;

  // ...

  iterator m_current;
  iterator m_last;


In the example above we obtained the view's current value as *current(). The assumption that *current() is the value we want is not always flexible enough. One way to increase flexibility would be to require that views have a special member function that returned the value. The loop in the for_each() algorithm would then be:
template<class View, class Function>
for_each(View view,
         Function f)
  while (!view.done())

  return f;
The approach would work, but risks bloating views with dereferencing code. Another solution is to separate dereferencing into another object, a "dereferencer". Our for_each() would become:
template<class View, class Dereferencer, class Function>
for_each(View view,
         Dereferencer dereferencer,
         Function f)
  while (!view.done())

  return f;

With this approach we obtain a good separation between traversal and the values we operate on. How the dereferencer obtains the value from the view is of no concern to the algorithm. The dereferencer may for instance multiply the value of *current() by 2, it may require that the view have a member function called value(), it may return the average of several values around current(), or it may even return a higher order view.

However, a separate dereferencer as implemented here puts an intolerable burden on the users of the algorithm. We simply cannot require that the users provide a whole extra class unless they need the extra functionality. That's why SequenceView introduces the concept of a "materializer".


A materializer is basically a class that contains both a view and a dereferencer. This may sound like we're adding even more complex machinery, but it will actually make it easier to use algorithms.

SequenceView provides utilities to write algorithms that work on both views and materializers. If the algorithm is called with a view, it will use a default dereferencer. If the algorithm is called with a materializer, it will extract the view and the dereferencer from the materializer. The for_each() function we would write with SequenceView is:

  template<class Seq, class Function>
  for_each(Seq seq, // seq is either a view or a materializer.
           Function function)
    typename SeqInfo<Seq>::View& view = SeqInfo<Seq>::view(seq);
    typename SeqInfo<Seq>::Dereferencer& dereferencer = SeqInfo<Seq>::dereferencer(seq);
    while (!view.done())

    return function;
and we could call the function in both the following ways:
In the last call, Materializer is a utility function that creates a materializer from a view and a dereferencer.

Using the C++ standard library algorithms

SequenceView provides a view/materializer based interface to the C++ standard library algorithms so that it's not necessary to rewrite the whole library. SequenceView also provides utility functions to ease the interaction with the standard library. For example we could call for_each() on a vector with:
  // Get the utility function SequenceView::View().
  #include <sequenceview/ViewCalls.hh>

  // ...

  using namespace SequenceView;
  std::vector<int> myVector(10, 1);
  // Wave those pesky iterators goodbye...
This code is as efficient as if you used two iterators. But in other cases, using views with the standard library may incur a small performance penalty compared to what you would get if you wrote the algorithm specially for views. The penalty is typically a comparison of two bools per iteration.

Examples of use

Here's an overview over the examples that are included in the package:

About SequenceView

SequenceView is written by Tom Houlder and was first released 2004.04.14. It's issued under the Boost license, which is a non-intrusive open source license.


The idea of using a special dereferencer object instead of putting the dereferencing code inside the view came from Dietmar Kuehl's property maps.